Comparison between Japan and the United States


1-1 Comparison of acupuncture use in Japan and the U.S.

1-2 Comparison of number of licensees to practice acupuncture in Japan and the U.S.

1-3 Acupuncture education and certification

1-4 Acupuncture education system

1-5 Comparison of Japan and U.S. acupuncture schools

1-6 Comparison of Japanese and U.S. licensing examinations to practice acupuncture

1-7 Comparison of diseases on the licensing examination to practice acupuncture in Japan and the U.S.




1-1 Comparison of acupuncture use in Japan and the U.S.


1-2 Comparison of number of licensees to practice acupuncture in Japan and the U.S.

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1-3 Acupuncture education and certification

* This requirement is applied from the first-year students enrolled in FY 2018


1-4 Acupuncture education system


1-5 Comparison of Japan and U.S. acupuncture schools

* We counted the number of schools from the following site: Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Directory, (2017-08-7)

1-6 Comparison of Japanese and U.S. licensing examinations to practice acupuncture


1-7 Comparison of diseases on the licensing examination to practice acupuncture in Japan and the U.S.: Diseases that are described in the U.S. guidelines but are not listed in the Japanese guidelines.

The conditions marked with an asterisk (*) signify diseases commonly associated with red flag signs and/or symptoms.

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