3. Number of Acupuncturists in Japan


3-1 Number of Japanese acupuncturists and moxibustionists, and their clinics

3-2 Number of acupuncturists and moxibustionists in Japan by prefecture (2018)

3-3 Number of sighted and visually impaired acupuncturists and moxibustionists in Japan


3-1 Number of Japanese acupuncturists and moxibustionists, and their clinics

1) Report on Public Health Administration and Services (Practicing health professionals) 2018. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese) https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/eisei/18/dl/gaikyo.pdf (9-16-2021)



3-2 Number of acupuncturists and moxibustionists in Japan by prefecture (2018)

1) Report on Public Health Administration and Services (Practicing health professionals) 2018. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese) https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/eisei/18/dl/gaikyo.pdf (9-16-2021)



3-3 Number of sighted and visually impaired acupuncturists in Japan

It was created based on Reference 1).

1)Table1. Chapter 2. Report on Public Health Administration and Services (2018). Portal Site of Official Statistics of Japan (e-Stat) (in Japanese)


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